
  I am the father of three wonderful children, and husband of a wonderful wife. I am also the published author of several books, screenplays, songs and I’m an award winning writer for the Los Angeles Times.

   I’m also a competitive golfer, and I’ve followed and played in sports nearly all of my life.  I’ve been a record producer, pro drummer, and audio engineer, worked in real estate finance, and sold just about everything imaginable. If you can’t tell, I live with little regrets.

  I plan to update this blog at least once a month — maybe two or three times if I get inspired. We’ll discuss topics on breaking into and making it as a  writer, family, having fun and sharing/ soliciting advice for the aforementioned. So, be sure to check back regularly, or just hit the “follow” button on the main page to get my updates in real time.


Joshua Dyer

4 Responses to About

  1. jolynnpowers says:

    Josh I am soooo excited to meet you and so happy that I will be able to read storie about my families home town area… thank you! What a wonderful unexpected gift…I be fallowing along~ Jolynn

    • drumwvu says:

      Thanks. Sounds like fun. I’d be willing to pop in on your blog as a guest from time to time, if you’d like. I’ll do the same over here, or on my hillbillyrambles.wordpress.com site. Either way. Let me know what you think of the story. Are the details to Jane Lew accurate for the time period so far? Do you have any working knowledge about the Jane Lew poor farm?

  2. jolynnpowers says:

    Josh, no I do not have any information about the poor farm. I have only lived in Jane Lew for about 18 years so m information is limited. The only place that my family really has any dealings with is the State Hospital? I am hoping to read the story over this weekend and will get back to you asap. My sister inlaw also got a copy but I am not sure about when she will finish the story. Just for fun I wanted to ask if the story includes the trolley that ran from Weston to Jane Lew and then on to clarksburg. My father in law talked about it often before his death in 1992.

  3. drumwvu says:

    trolley? I have never heard of that. Could you please share some of its history and details? I’d love to learn more about it. “Finding November” is about halfway done. Ebook preorders are out, but the paperback is still weeks away. Did your sister-in-law have any thoughts to share? Thanks again.

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